Withholding period: Nil (recommended not to graze for 7 days before treatment and for 7 days after treatment to allow adequate chemical uptake in target weeds). However, it is unclear how WBDL phytoplasma (WBDLp) induces witches’ broom symptoms and if these symptoms contribute to the spread of phytoplasma.
Easily grown in poor, well-drained soils in full sun. Metsulfuron-methyl 600 g/kg (Various products) Rate: 10 - 20 g per 100 L water plus surfactant. An insect-transmitted phytoplasma causing Witches’ Broom Disease of Lime (WBDL) is responsible for the drastic decline in lime production in several countries.tall and wide (180-300 cm) but it is best kept compact. Recipient of the prestigious Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society.Forming a cheerful bush, this tough and showy Mediterranean native thrives on neglect and is particularly useful in poor, well-drained soils in exposed, sunny sites. It is however considered in several US states (such as California, Oregon, Hawaii) as a noxious weed because of its prolific seed production and aggressive replacement of native plants. They are borne on flexible, erect, almost leafless, green broom-like stems and are followed by flat green seed pods. Spanish Broom is a shrub that grows 11. It is the only species in the genus Spartium. Brnistra bioloka svojstva Spanish Broom is a shrub like plant from the fa-mily of legumes. Filling the summer air with its terrific honey-vanilla scent, award-winner Spartium junceum (Spanish Broom) is a vigorous, medium-sized shrub which produces masses of large, bright yellow pea-like flowers, 1 in. 2.1 Spanish Broom biological properties 2.1.